Filtering the Search Results
You can use the filter options in the Filter pane to refine your search results. Combine filtering with Using the search bar and Sorting the search results to efficiently find the item that you are looking for.
Tip: You can use inverse filters for Business Processes and General filters. Press Ctrl while clicking a filter to filter on the negation of the filter. The filter name is struck through to indicate this. For example, Ctrl + clicking the filter Angle returns all items that are notAngles.
To filter the search results
If you know it, select the Business processes that the item that you are looking for belongs to. If you either select all business processes or no business processes at all, all available items will be included.
If you know that the item that you are looking for uses a specific tag, you can select it in the Tags section. The most-used tags are displayed under the tag search and you can click one to select or deselect it. If you are looking for another tag, start typing in the search input field, and the system will try and match what you type to existing tags and offer suggestions. If you select multiple tags, the search results will be filtered on and AND-basis.
Selected tags become highlighted in the Filter pane, and they are added to the filters at the top of the search results. Deselect a tag by clicking it in the Filter pane, or by clicking the x next to it in the active filters at the top of the search results.
Select the General filters that you want to apply to your search. For example, select the item type, status, and the model it belongs to.
When combining general filters, the results are filtered either on an AND-basis or an OR-basis.
- Filters that belong to the same group are filtered on an AND-basis.
- Filters that belong to a different group are filtered on an OR-basis.
The groups in the General filters section are:
- Type (Angle, Template, or Dashboard)
- Status (Private, Validated, or Starred)
- Model
- Self (I created, I can validate, or I can manage)
Note:Your system administrator can add additional groups.
For example, if Angle and Private are selected, the results contain all private Angles. If you also select Validated, the results contain all private Angles and all validated Angles:
(Angle AND Private) OR (Angle AND Validated).
If present, select additional search labels to further refine the search results. Additional search labels can be defined by your system administrator.
With each selection, the search results are updated immediately. You can combine as many filters as you want.