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Object Diagram

The Object Diagram is a schematic representation of the most important objects in each Business Process and how they are related (see Objects).


At the top of the diagram are tabs with the available Business processes. Each of these Business Process tabs contains a set of related objects. The objects are grouped by how closely related they are. You can click on a tab, an object type, or a group of objects to read its description.

Objects and object groups have the color of the Business Process they are most related to. If an object or object group is related to multiple Business Processes equally, it gets the custom color as defined in the legend at the bottom of the diagram.

If you create an Angle from the Object Diagram, it will be based on the Template that shows the most important data for the object that you select.

With the Object Diagram you can:

  • Read the object descriptions.
  • Inspect the relationship between different objects in Angles for SAP.
  • Create an Angle.

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