Help text Details
If you choose Help Texts navigation mode in the navigation pane and select a help text, the details pane will display the help text details. Depending on the type of the help text, the following elements may be available:
Id - Every help text must have a unique Id. The Id is automatically generated by concatenating the following information, with underscores in between:
A prefix
The prefix depends on the edit mode and on the model name. The following prefixes are used:
- EA is used for items that are part of Standard Content and the EA2_800 model.
- EA4IT is used for items that are part of Standard Content and the EA4IT model.
- CUST is used for items that are part of Custom Content.
The help text type (for example, CLASS)
Note: The help text type has a different naming convention if you compare it to the modern naming in the Workbench. For example, a Workbench Object Type is called CLASS, and a Workbench Field is called PROPERTY when generating the Id. This is done to ensure backwards compatibility.
The Name of the help text
Together, these elements will form the Id, for example, EA_CLASS_Address
Name - The name of the help text should form a unique Id when combined with the company name and the help text type.
Category - Choose the category of the help text from the drop-down list.
Language selector - You can edit the short name, long name, and help text body in the languages that are active. The default languages are always active: English, Dutch, French, German, and Spanish.
If you create a help text, you need to create it in at least one language. Click a language tab to edit it.
You can add extra language tabs to your custom content by clicking + and selecting a language. You can also remove language tabs other than the default languages.
Language tabs will be added to or removed from this help text only. It is not possible to add a language tab system-wide.
Note: To see texts in other languages in the Angles for SAPWeb Client, you need to activate the appropriate languages in the Angles for SAPIT Management Console.
Short name - The short name has a maximum length of 28 characters, and it should be unique.
Long name - The long name has no maximum length. Do not use abbreviations in the long name.
Help text editor - The body of the help text can be maintained here.