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Displaying the Field Definition

The field definition provides information about, for example, which data the field contains, its definition, how it is calculated, and where it comes from originally. You can access the field definition from every Display.

To access the field definition

  1. Execute the Angle that contains the Display (see Executing an Angle or Template ). The Angle results page opens.

  2. Find the Display in the Displays pane . If there are many Displays, the Display tab of the Display might not be immediately visible. In that case, click to see the list of available Displays and find your Display there.

  3. To inspect a field definition:

    • In a Chart or a Pivot

      1. On the Details pane (Angle) , click the Display details (Angle) tab.

      2. Expand the Chart options or Pivot options.

      3. Hover over the field name.

      4. Click WC_i_Icon to open the field definition.

    • In a List

      1. Left-click the column header of the field that you want to inspect.

      2. Select Field info to open the field definition.

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