Angles for SAP from insightsoftware

ITMC in AgS On-premises
ITMC in AgS On-premisesFor a detailed understanding of the IT Management Console, see the following:Introduction to ITMCITMC Status OverviewMain Menu of the ITMCAdding Comments
Manage Roles in AgS On-premises
Manage Roles in AgS On-premisesThe authentication model of Angles for SAP is based on roles. A role is a set of privileges allowing a specific user to access a certain part of the data or execute certain tasks. These privileges can be set in three ways:Allow - the user is allowed to perform this task.Deny - the user is never allowed to perform this task.Undefined - this role does not control th...
Global Settings in AgS On-premises
Global Settings in AgS On-premisesFor more information on global settings that are available in Angles for SAP On-Premise, see the following:AuthenticationBusiness ProcessesComponentsCustom IconsLabel CategoriesLanguagesPackagesSystem LogSystem settingsNotificationsWeb Server settingsWelcome pageEnable Go to SAP
Model Settings in AgS On-premises
Model Settings in AgS On-premisesModels are set up during the installation, and each installed model appears with its short name as a subsection in the menu. Some settings must be made available through the Global settings first before you can customize them for a specific model. Take for example the Packages: these need to be uploaded in the Global settings section first, before they can be ac...
User Settings in AgS On-premises
User Settings in AgS On-premisesTo edit user accounts, and perform mass changes on user roles, open the IT Management Console and navigate to Users > ​​​All users.All users lists all user accounts. For each user account it shows:The usernameThe full nameWhether the user account is enabledTo which models the user has accessWhether the user account has access to the IT Management ConsoleHow many ...
Angles Export for AgS On-premises
Angles Export for AgS On-premisesFor more information on exporting Angles in Angles for SAP On-Premise, see the following:Define Angle Automation tasksManage Automation TasksDatastoresAlert for Angle resultExport Angle to CSVExport Angle to EA FormatExport Angle to Microsoft ExcelExport Angle to HTMLExport Angle with ODBC DriverExport Angle to Microsoft SQL serverExcel templatesExport defaults...
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