The Modeling Workbench homepage
Modeling Workbench HomepageAfter logging in, the Modeling Workbench (MW) homepage is displayed. It consists of the following sections:The top barThe action barThe navigation paneThe details paneThe available models are displayed in the left-hand pane of the Modeling Workbench, the navigation pane. You can expand or collapse the models and their content. You select a different viewpoint to look ...
The top bar
Top Bar of the Modeling WorkbenchThe top bar contains the following items:The product logo - Click here to return to the Modeling Workbench homepage.? - Click here to access the help pages, or to find more information about Angles for SAP.Username - The name of the user that is logged in currently. Click on your username to access the following options:Web Client - Click here to open the Web Cl...
The action bar
Action Bar of the Modeling WorkbenchThe action bar contains options that are specific for the current page. Options that are not available are disabled. The action bar contains the following items:Breadcrumbs - With this option you can keep track of your location within the Workbench.Create - Click here to create a new item. Depending on the context, this can be a module, or a help text - Click...
The navigation pane
Navigation Pane of the Modeling WorkbenchThe navigation pane can be found on the left-hand side of the Modeling Workbench. With the navigation pane, you can browse your content and find the items that you need.The navigation pane consists of the following sections:Search: Enter your search term here. The results will be displayed in the details pane. For more information about searching in the ...
The navigation tree
navigation tree in the Modeling WorkbenchThe navigation pane displays a tree view of the available model(s) in your chosen mode. This navigation tree gives you an overview of the structure of the available models and the entities they contain. You can also navigate to and between these entities by clicking on a tree node. The available models are at the root of the navigation tree. Click to co...
The details pane
Details Pane in the Modeling WorkbenchThe details pane is the largest section of the Modeling Workbench page. It displays detailed information about the item that is selected in the navigation pane. The content of the details pane depends on the selected navigation mode and on the type of your selected item. It can contain the following tabs:Modules mode:Activation - this tab is displayed for m...
The General tab
General Tab of the Modeling WorkbenchIf you select a module, object type, or object type extension in the navigation pane, the details pane displays the module's details.On the General tab, the following settings are displayed for the selected module:Name: the name of the module.This field is mandatory. The value is used to identify the module within the model and should be unique. This field c...
The Content Editor
Content Editor in the Modeling WorkbenchThe Content Editor is available as a tab in the details pane for the following items:Object type (extensions) and base configModules (the Overview tab)Transformations for modulesIn the Content Editor, you can add or edit the underlying ini files of these items directly. The Content Editor displays files with ini markup. Syntax highlighting is supported to...
The Overview tab
Overview tab of a ModuleIf you select an item in the navigation tree in Modules mode, the details pane displays the item details. One of the available tabs in the details pane is the Overview tab.On the Overview tab, you can inspect the entire model definition of a module, and, depending on the type of item that you have selected, edit it directly. The overview includes all module information c...