Angles for SAP from insightsoftware

Intro to WebClient
Introduction to Web ClientThe Angles for SAPWeb Client enables you to view and work with Angles, Templates, Displays and Dashboards. Angles for SAP uses a number of Angles for SAP-specific concepts. Click on a concept name to learn more about it.Activity DiagramAnglesAsk at ExecutionBusiness processesDashboardsDisplaysListChartPivotDrilldownFieldsJumps (concept)Object DiagramObject ListObjectsT...
Activity Diagram
Activity DiagramThe Activity Diagram is a schematic representation of the most important Templates and how they are related from an activity point of view.At the top of the diagram are tabs with the available Business processes. Each of these Business Process tabs contains a set of related Templates. The Templates are grouped by activity. You can click on a tab, a Template, or a group of Templa...
Angles An Angle is a set of data that, when combined, can answer a specific business question. With Angles for SAP, you can intuitively create these operational overviews and analyses with a high level of detail, based on current data. The results of Angles can answer questions that are relevant to specific Business processes, for example:Can I rely on the supplier that offers the lowest price ...
TemplatesAngles for SAP is designed for doing business. Creating a new Angle should be easy, even if you do not have in-depth knowledge of the SAP data structure. You should be able to define new Angles based on your business question. Angles for SAP provides numerous Templates to get you started. Which Templates are available to you depends on the Business processes that you are authorized to ...
Templates versus Angles
Templates versus AnglesYou can see a Template as a blueprint or starting point for an Angle. It is based on a start object (see Objects) and it contains a set of fields, filters, and Displays that answer a business question. A Template cannot be edited, but if you execute it, the results can be customized and saved as an Angle. Angles for SAP includes a large set of standard Templates to get yo...
Ask at Execution
Ask at ExecutionAn Angle or a Dashboard will usually be executed immediately. When the settings of a filter need to be specified at execution, user input is required. This is called Ask at Execution.If your input is required, the Execution parameters icon  is shown next to the Angle, Display, or Dashboard name on the search results page. When you execute such an item, the Execution parameters d...
Business processes
Business processesAngles for SAP is business process-oriented. You can only use the business processes that you are authorized to work with. A buyer in your company, for example, might not be interested in human capital management, or might not even be allowed to see this information for privacy reasons.Angles for SAP splits the available data into valid sets of information for each predefined ...
DashboardsDashboards are groups of Angles in a single overview (see Dashboard results page). With a Dashboard, you can monitor multiple Angles simultaneously. You can select which Displays you want to include in your Dashboard and the order in which they appear. It is also possible to apply filters to an entire Dashboard.Related topicsCreating a DashboardExecuting a DashboardChanging the Dashbo...
DisplaysDisplays are the visual representation of Angles. There are three types of Displays:ListChartPivotA Template contains one or more Displays that are added to each Angle that you base on the Template. You can add additional Displays to your Angles or edit the existing ones.An ad hoc Display is a Display that was generated by default, for example, drilling down or copying and pasting. You ...
ListThe List is one of the available Display types, and it functions as the general data viewer in Angles for SAP. Data is presented in a table. The table columns are called Fields and each column header is called a field header.You can personalize the results in the following ways:Via the field headers:Adding a field (List)Removing a field (List)Rearranging the fieldsSorting the fieldsFormatti...
ChartThe Chart is one of the available Display types, and it provides different options for visualizing your data in Angles for SAP.The vertical axis of a Chart shows the data that you are interested in. The horizontal axis displays the category of the data. The resulting Chart shows the data series.With a Chart, you can do the following:Use different Chart types for visualizing your data (see ...
PivotThe Pivot is one of the available Display types. A pivot table is a summarization tool. Among other functions, a pivot table can automatically sort, count a total or give the average of the data stored in one table or spreadsheet, displaying the results in a second table showing the summarized data.The rows and columns in a Pivot are interactive. You can switch (pivot) from a summary of al...
Drilldown You can drill down to the underlying data of any Display, including Displays that are shown in a Dashboard. The data is displayed as a basic list Display by default. You can change the Default drilldown Display in the Display details (Angle). All settings of the selected Display will be applied when drilling down, except for filters and Jumps.Related topicsSetting a default drilldown ...
FieldsA field in Angles for SAP is a set of data, similar to SAP fields. Angles for SAP combines related SAP data and fields for start objects (see Objects) into Angles. Displays visualize that data. The ListDisplay shows the set of fields that forms the Angle. Each field is represented by a column. A field can be used to sort or filter your Angle results. You can learn more about a field by re...
JumpsJumps are links to related Objects in the Object model. By adding a Jump you change the Start Object of your Angle. This way you can investigate further when you find an issue.You can create two types of Jumps based on:Structure of the Object model - For example, from an Angle with sales document headers, you can jump to the related customer objects or to the related sales document items.C...
LabelsAngles for SAP supports the use of labels. There are two different types of labels:Search labelsPrivilege labelsLabels are predefined by your system administrator. If you want to define personal custom filters for your items, you can use Tags to do that.Search labelsAngles, Dashboards and Templates might be labeled, which makes it easier for you to find them. The available labels have bee...
Object Diagram
Object DiagramThe Object Diagram is a schematic representation of the most important objects in each Business Process and how they are related (see Objects).At the top of the diagram are tabs with the available Business processes. Each of these Business Process tabs contains a set of related objects. The objects are grouped by how closely related they are. You can click on a tab, an object type...
Object List
Object ListThe Object List is a list of all available objects in each Business Process (see Objects). It does not show how the objects are related. At the top of the list are tabs with the available Business processes. Each of these Business Process tabs contains a set of available objects. You can click on an object type to read its description. If you select one of the object types, a Templat...
ObjectsAngles for SAP structures your SAP data and combines it into groups of related data sets. These data sets are called objects. The objects and the relations between them form the object model that underlies Angles for SAP. An Angles for SAP object consists of a set of SAP fields and/or a set of calculated fields (see Fields).Every object has been assigned to one or more Business processes...
TagsAngles for SAP supports the use of user-defined tags. You can add custom tags to your Angles, Dashboards, and Templates to make it easier to find them or to group related items together. It is also a convenient way to mark all items that you want to include in a package.Tags are shared between all users of your Angles for SAP system. You can add existing tags to your items or create your ow...
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