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Uploading Angles and Dashboards

To upload Angles and Dashboards

  1. In the Action bar on the Search results page, click Upload Angles. A dialog box opens.

  2. If your system supports more than one model, select the model you want to upload the items to.

  3. Click Select items to upload or drop here and select the *.json files you want to upload. Alternatively, drag and drop the *.json files here.

    The Upload items report appears and indicates whether all selected items have been uploaded. All items are uploaded as private items. Metadata like for example tags, business processes, and labels are included in the upload.

Note: To upload a Dashboard you need to select all Angles referenced in the Dashboard as well. So, to upload a Dashboard with three referenced Angles, you will need to select four *.json files: one for the Dashboard and one for each Angle.

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