Refresh Cycle
The data in Angles for SAP is based on SAP data. This data is downloaded from SAP and loaded into the Angles for SAP system. There is no direct online link with SAP. The data needs to be updated regularly in order to keep it up to date. This updating process is called the refresh cycle.
Which SAP metadata will be downloaded is determined by the activated modules. See the Modeling Workbench web help for more information.
Refresh Cycle Overview
You can find an overview of the refresh cycles and their history in the IT Management Console. Navigate to Models > [Model name] > Refresh cycle.
In this overview you can find the following information:
- Refresh cycle - an overview of the configured (and active) cycles.
- Refresh cycle history - a historical overview of the active cycles.
Refresh Cycle Settings
The Refresh cycle table shows all implemented refresh cycles. The current configuration of each refresh cycle is displayed. Click to edit a refresh cycle configuration, or Add refresh command to add a new refresh cycle.
The following refresh cycle settings are available:
Refresh cycle setting |
Description |
Name |
Enter a meaningful name for the refresh cycle. This name is only used for managing purposes. You can use any name you want. |
External |
Enable an external scheduling tool to trigger this task. After saving this task, the Action menu will contain Copy command, which allows you to retrieve a command line that can be used in the external scheduler. See External scheduling tools for more information. |
Action list |
All available actions lists are configured within the DefaultImage and UserImage. Select the action list you wish to run. When you select the action list 'Tables' an additional button 'Specify tables' becomes available to specify the tables for an on-the-fly test download: To add tables to a refresh cycle
Delta |
Enable delta replication or trigger the use of delta conditions. For delta replication, database triggers are set on specific large SAP tables in order to enable delta replication or where clause based delta. During the refresh cycle only these changes are downloaded and incorporated in the Angles for SAP model. This option cannot be used together with New and changed tables only. Consider the impact on performance on the SAP server side as well as on the Angles for SAP server side. |
New and changed tables only |
Select this option to only extract newly added and changed tables. With this option, you can quickly update a model after making small changes to some of the tables. Only the changed fields in that table are downloaded, if they match one or more of the following criteria:
Caution: Since not all tables in the action list will be downloaded, this action may result in a model that has slight inconsistencies. Use this option only if you know what the implications for your current model are. Do not use this option for regular downloads. This option cannot be used together with Delta. |
Day |
The days on which the refresh cycle must run. This setting is disabled when External is activated. |
Start time |
The start time of the refresh cycle. This is the time of the server. When you create or edit a task, you will enter your local time. The server time, and thus the start time, is then automatically calculated. This setting is disabled when External is activated. Caution: Around a DST change, a refresh cycle might be started twice or not at all. |
Delay model server stop |
The refresh cycle stops the Model Server in order to free up as much memory as possible. When working with multiple Model Servers, the Application Server switches to another Model Server without you noticing any delay. However, when working with a single Model Server you might want to increase the uptime at the cost of performance. In other words, you would want the Model Server to stop as late as possible, then move the new model in place and immediately start the Model Server. If that is the case, select this check box. Note: Keep in mind that checking this option will consume extra system resources during the refresh cycle, as the Model Server will keep running during the extraction. |
Continuous |
Enable or disable a continuous refresh. This option requires an installation with two model servers that alternately manage the same model. When enabled, a new refresh cycle will start immediately after the previous one has finished. It is recommended to use the Restart delay setting to create an overlap. |
Restart delay |
Once the Angles for SAP model server is available, the software must wait for the defined amount of time before a new refresh cycle is started. This setting is disabled when External is activated. |
Until |
The end time of the refresh cycle. This setting is disabled when External is activated. Caution: Around a DST change, a refresh cycle might be stopped too early. |
SAP download maximum run time |
The time frame within which the SAP download phase (or extraction) of a refresh cycle must be completed. If the SAP download phase of a refresh cycle is not completed within this configured time, the task will be aborted and shown as failed in the Refresh cycle history. |
Expected run time |
The time frame within which this refresh cycle is expected to be completed. If the refresh cycle is not completed within this time frame, a RefreshNotFinishedInTime event is raised, and it will be noted in the Application Server's log. If you leave this setting empty or at 00:00, the run time is not monitored, and no events are raised. If Continuous is enabled for this refresh cycle, you cannot edit this setting, and run time is not monitored. |
Maximum run time |
The time frame within which the refresh cycle must be completed. If the refresh cycle is not completed within this configured time, the task will be aborted and will be shown as failed in the Refresh cycle history. Caution: This value is set to 0 by default, meaning that the refresh cycle will not run. |
Enabled |
Enable or disable the refresh cycle. |
Status |
The current status of the refresh cycle. |
Action |
Action Lists
The refresh cycle can perform different actions. The actions that need to be executed during the refresh cycle are determined by action lists. The following table describes the default action lists. Additional action lists can be made available for customer-specific situations. Click Show action lists to view the available action lists.
Name |
Description |
Conversion |
Convert the downloaded SAP tables into tables used by the Angles for SAP model. |
ConversionDaily |
(cloud version only) |
EACheckTables |
Download the table group CheckTables. This group contains lookup and language tables. The tables will not be converted. |
EAConvert |
Convert the downloaded SAP tables and create SAP help texts. This action list is a combination of the action lists Conversion and Helptexts. |
EADaily |
Download and convert the table groups Orders, Planning, Batches and Stocks. Before starting the download, this action list will check if all necessary CheckTables are available in the model folder. If a table is missing, it will be added to the download automatically. |
EADictionary |
Download the table group Dictionary only. This download is necessary when an object in SAP has been changed, for example when a new table or field has been added to SAP or when SAP has been upgraded. |
EAInitialize |
Download everything to create a complete model on an empty server. All required table groups are downloaded and converted. This includes the table groups Dictionary, CheckTables, Customizing, Masterdata, Orders, Planning, Batches and Stocks. This download also contains the SAP help files. |
EAMasterdata |
Download and convert the table group Masterdata. |
EAQuickRefresh |
(on-premises version only) This is a special type of download with which the Angles for SAP Model Server is down for the shortest amount of time possible. This type of download requires sufficient resources from the Windows server and should not be implemented without consulting your Angles for SAP project contact. |
EAPrerequisites |
(cloud version only) |
EAQuickRestartModel |
(cloud version only) |
EATest |
Download two test tables only. This actionlist can be used for ad hoc testing of connection with SAP and uploading to Yellowbrick. |
EATestRfcCopy |
Test the RFC connection on SAP. |
EAWeekly |
Download everything except for the table group Dictionary. The tables will be converted. When the structure of a dictionary table in the model folder differs from the structure in the configuration file, this action list will automatically update the dictionary table. If this action list detects that configuration changes require an EAInitialize download, it will automatically execute the action list EAInitialize instead of EAWeekly. |
GetStats |
Download statistical data from SAP. |
HelpTexts |
Generate the SAP help texts. |
LoadNewModelDef |
(cloud version only) |
Tables |
Download only the tables specified in a parameter. |
Test |
(cloud version only) |
Refresh Cycle Event Logging
Important events that occur during the refresh cycle are logged in the Windows Event log. This allows for real-time monitoring of the refresh cycle. Logs include the following information:
- Event
- Model ID
- Task ID
- Action list
- Version
Refresh Cycle History
The refresh cycle history section shows an overview of all refresh cycles that have been executed and their result:
- The name of the refresh cycle.
- The starting time of the refresh cycle.
- The end time of the refresh cycle.
- The result of the actions.
- The number of errors.
- The number of warnings.
Click Info to see more detailed information about a refresh cycle.