Loading SAP Data
Once you have completed all preparation activities, an Angles for SAP consultant will try to do an initial test data extraction from SAP. This test will determine if the Angles for SAP system can successfully reach the SAP system and if data can be downloaded so that it can be loaded into the Angles for SAP environment.
When the initial test data extraction is successful, an essential table extraction will be done to get the first set of data into the Angles for SAP environment and to test the download connection with a larger data set. The tables that are downloaded are needed for the basic functionality of the Angles for SAP environment.
After the essential table extraction, a full data extraction from SAP will be discussed and configured based on the functional requirements and scope of the project. When a full data extraction has taken place, a verification will be done between the data present in SAP and the data that has been loaded in Angles for SAP to ensure data integrity.
The Angles for SAP team will monitor all downloads and will share the results of the extractions with you. These results contain information about:
- The size of the data that is downloaded per day.
- The time it takes to do the data extraction from SAP.
- Data extraction optimizations where and if possible.