Adding a Jump to a Display
This functionality is only available if you have sufficient privileges. Your privileges are maintained by your system administrator in the IT Management Console .
When you add a Jump to an Angle, it is by default added to all Displays in that Angle. You can also add a Jump to a specific Display. In this case the Display is changed into an ad hoc Display.
You cannot add a Jump to a Display in a validated Angle (see Unvalidating an Angle).
To add a Jump to a Display
Execute the Angle that contains the Display you want to add a Jump to. The Angle results page opens.
If you want to preserve the original Angle , save this Angle with a different name to indicate that it contains the Jump .
Click the tab of the Display you want to add the Jump to.
On the Details pane (Angle) , click the Display details (Angle) tab.
In the Filters and Jumps section, click . The Apply Jump dialog box appears.
Select the object you want to jump to and click Execute Jump.
In the Filters and Jumps section, click Apply. A confirmation prompt appears.
Click OK. The Display changes into an ad hoc Display.
Tip: Ad hoc Displays are indicated with .
In the Action bar , click to save the Display .
You can also save the entire Angle and all the Displays it contains in one go. Click the caret of the Save Display button ( ) and select Save all .
Note: If you edit and save a Display that is linked to an automation task, you will get a confirmation prompt to indicate this. If you have edited more than one Display , the confirmation dialog box will list them all. Deselect a Display if you do not want to save the changes you made. If you have sufficient privileges, click to open the corresponding automation task in the IT Management Console. Only save your changes if you are aware of their impact. Changing a Display that is linked to an automation task may cause the automation task to fail.